Frank Lloyd Wright Architecture Joins UNESCO Heritage List
..This weekend, UNESCO announced that it has added 8 Frank Lloyd Wright buildings to the World Heritage List: Fallingwater, the Guggenheim Museum, Jacobs House, Robie House, Taliesin, Taliesin West, Unity Temple, and a local favorite, Hollyhock House in East Hollywood, have all gained recognition for their contribution to architecture. The UNESCO committee noted that it has selected Wright's work for its distinct "organic architecture" and praised his open plans, blurring the boundaries between exterior and interior which paved the way to modern architecture and made an impact in modern architecture in Europe.
There are now 24 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the US.The Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy has been working for over 12 years to have his work recognized by the international conservation organization, in hopes to bring attention to the importance of Wright's contributions in architecture, design and art and to emphasize the importance of conserving all of the structures designed in his 70 year career, which includes approximately 500 structures around the world.
Fallingwater, Pennsylvania (Built 1939)
Hollyhock House, Los Angeles, CA (Built 1921)
Robie House, Chicago (Built 1906)
Guggenheim Museum, Manhattan, NY (Built 1959)
Taliesin, Wisconsin (Completed 1963)
Taliesin West, Scottsdale, AZ (Built 1937)
Unity Temple, Illinois (Built 1908)
Jacobs House, Wisconsin (Built 1937)