Modernica + Pantone™

Modernica is honored to partner with Pantone™ for a limited edition Side Shell Eiffel & Stacking Chairs. In 2021, Pantone chose 2 Colors of the Year, 13-0647 Illuminating & 17-5104 Ultimate GrayTwo colors that highlight how different elements come together to support one another best express the mood for Pantone Color of the Year 2021.

Modenrica has matched the 2021 Pantone™ Color of the Year by hand mixing pigments and resin that is needed to create our Fiberglass chairs and made both Ultimate Gray and Illuminating colors. Their complementarity symbolizes hope and strength at a time in history where we all face many doubts and challenges. 

“The marriage of PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray and PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating expresses the mood for 2021. Conveying a message of strength and hopefulness that is both enduring and uplifting, this pairing of the practical and quietly assuring Ultimate Gray with the warming and optimistic bright-yellow Illuminating emboldens the spirit. It is a story of color that encapsulates deeper feelings of thoughtfulness with the promise of something sunny and friendly. A message of happiness supported by fortitude, a color combination that is aspirational, a color union that inspires the feeling of hope so essential to the human spirit that everything is going to get brighter.”

-Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director, Pantone Color InstituteTM

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